Thursday, 31 March 2016

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real music magazines?

After looking at several pop magazines and also analysing a couple, I got an idea and planned out what I wanted my final pop magazine to look like. Every pop magazine that I looked at had a specific colour scheme or colours that would really complement each other within the text, background colour and what the model was wearing. For my magazine front cover I decided that I will use similar colours or different colours that complement each other for the text and the background but also enough for the text to stand out. Also I thought that I would match something that the model was wearing, such as the colour of her lipstick with the whole colour scheme of the front cover so that nothing would look out of place. The date, website and price of all music magazines are usually in very small text and on top of the bar code which is usually on the bottom right, this is one of the ideas that I carried out on my own magazine. Pop magazines do not only include text but also include fun shapes and striking colours allowing it to stand out and look much more quirky. Using the rectangle tool on Photoshop, I added shapes to the text making it more interesting to read. The idea of a covered title name on the front cover of my magazine initially came from the magazine “Cosmopolitan”. I thought the idea made it look very professional and I wanted to carry it out in my own magazine front cover. Another thing that I added to my front cover which I thought looked really good was the gradient tool. Without the gradient tool the front cover looked quite UN finished and plain in some parts. As I added the gradient tool near the end, I realised that it bought the whole magazine together and made it look much better.

For my contents page I decided not to add the name of my magazine but to add the initial instead which was “R”. I made the initial quite big but not too much just in case it draws away attention from the contents page itself. The initial was behind all text and images, I also used the blur tool to make it look slightly faded out and picked a similar colour to the background so that it does not contrast. On my survey that I had carried out on Survey Monkey, a lot of people voted for the text to be numbered and for there to be multiple images which is what I then did. The word “Contents” is written on the side of the magazine, I got this idea from “Billboard” magazine as I really liked the idea and it thought that it would make the contents page look very unique. To rotate the word “contents” I clicked edit, transform and then rotated it to how much I wanted to on Photoshop.  Pop magazines would usually include a lot of pictures on the contents page to make it look more interesting. Although many people voted for my contents page to include more text on my survey, it looked less like a pop magazine when I did so I decided to add more images but enough text to meet my audience’s opinions as well as my own.

Double page spreads on a pop music magazine usually include a lot of text and an image of the model, the text is all about the model whether it is an interview or just the latest gossip. I used this idea for my double page spread and included an image of the model which took up a quarter of the page, with news about the latest gossip and I also included bits of an interview. After analysing a couple of music magazine double page spreads, I noticed that the name of the model/artist was the only bit of large text on the page. This is another one of the ideas that I decided to carry out on my own double page spread. Also I chose two different colours for my text as I wanted it to contrast a lot with the background and wanted to make it easier to read. One of the double page spreads that I had analysed used text boxes as it was really hard to contras a colour with the background. This was quite a unique idea which I used in my own way by changing the colours instead.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Mock Ups

Double Page Spread Screenshots

For my double page spread I started off by measuring the page on Photoshop making sure that it was the right measurement. I also deleted the background layer so that I could add my own colour.

I used a mid shot of the model and after cropping it, I placed it on one end of my page so that I could add enough text. As my pop music magazine was coming out in spring time, the model wore minimal makeup and colours such as pink to give it more of a spring vibe.

I used a baby pink colour to compliment what the model was wearing. Also, this colour would look more appealing to my target audience which was teenage girls.

On Photoshop, I used gradients to make my double page spread stand out more. The colours that I used matched what the model in the picture was wearing. Although I used similar colours, I made sure that the text, background and picture of the model caught similar attention.

The text reading "Vanessa Reed" which was the models name, was made quite big and bold so that it could stand out showing the audience what the double page spread was about.

It was hard to get one text colour to match the background so i used two different colours which were black and white. After analysing pop magazine double page spreads, I realised that they had one main image and a lot of text. I carried out this idea in my own magazine.

Contents Page Screenshots

For the contents page, I used a bright purple colour which allowed it to stand out quite a lot and attract the attention of my target audience.

I got the idea of a sidewards rotated heading from billboard magazine. Their target audience was similar to mine and so I thought I would carry out this idea in my own contents page. I chose the colour white as it was one of the colours that contrasted the most with the background colour.

On SurveyMonkey, I asked if my magazine name should be included on the contents page. The majority answered no so instead I used the initial of my magazine name which was "R" and I added it to the background for a nice effect. I used the blur tool and free transform on Photoshop to make it big and to give it a slight faded effect.

The picture that I decided to use of the model was at a long shot. Making the model the same height as the main heading looked quite nice and professional.

I added more pictures to the contents page which made it look more like a pop music magazine and would appeal to my target audience. I also changed the colour of the word contents as I thought it looked better in black.  Based on the results on SurveyMonkey, I numbered the text to make it look more professional.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Front Cover Screenshots

This is the picture that I wanted to use for my front cover of the music magazine. The reason I chose this picture was because I thought that it would look good on the cover of a pop magazine. The colours worn by the model are quite striking which gives it the pop vibe. The makeup was left neutral but the lipstick worn was a bright pink and quite bold allowing it to stand out more and so that it relates to the colour theme of the magazine front cover.
I cut out the background using the rubber tool on Photoshop as i did not want that included in my magazine front cover
The reason that i chose this pink as my background colour for the front cover was because the main target audience was teenage girls and i wanted to make it look quite feminine so that they can relate more to it.
It took some time to decide on the name of my magazine but after doing some research i liked the name "RITA". It was short and easy to read, also it goes well with the idea of a pop music magazine. After looking at my results from the survey i put on Survey Monkey, i saw that most people wanted the background to be slightly covered as it will look professional so i carried out the idea on my front cover.
I added a bit of text and experimented with the fonts. I thought that it would look quite plain if it only included text so i used the rectangle tool on Photoshop to highlight specific words in a bright colour to make it look more interesting.
I wanted to be a bit more creative so i added gradients on Photoshop. This made it look less childish and more professional.

It was necessary to include a bar code on my magazine front cover so i got one from the internet and added it to my magazine.
This is the final front cover of my magazine. I changed the text to different sizes and colours making it look more like a pop magazine. The colours that i used were quite bold and will easily catch the attention of my target audience. Using the rectangle tool on Photoshop i made fun shapes highlighting words that would be given more importance.

Photo Collage

Colour Testing

Mood Board

Readership Profile

I am going to be making a pop music magazine, the age range for this magazine would usually be for girls from the age of 13 to around the age of 18. Females are most likely to listen to pop music than males.
Although not all teenage girls listen to pop music, the majority do. Others can be interested in various types of music such as Rock, RnB and Hip Hop or Dance.
Pop music mainly features female singers such as Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande, bu tit also features male singers like Ollly Murs. This type of music is also very popular for their bands, examples of this would be One Direction, Little Mix and Union J.
Fans of Pop music would most likely be very girly and into the latest fashion and gossip. They would keep up with all their favorite celebrity news and stay quite active on different social medias such as Instagram or Twitter. They are most likely to shop at places like Victoria Secret and Top Shop and love to keep up with the latest fashion trends.
Their style of clothing can be quite feminine as they would wear things such as dresses and shirts or floral tops. A few of their favorite places to go would be Starbucks and Nandos.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Audience Response

When asked why they think this, the comments read:
- The focus is shared between the title and the model
- It will look unique
- It's a different idea to other magazines
- It will stand out better and grab people's attention
- It will also allow the model to stand out
- The title will be eye-catching and would stand out more
- It will look more professional if it is slightly covered, not all magazines use this effective layout
- The idea is very different
- A unique idea
- This technique is very rarely used
- Will make the front cover look very professional
- A different idea and it will look really good
- It can share the attention with what is covering it e.g. a picture
- This idea for the title is very creative
- Will attract audience attention

Audience Survey