Thursday, 17 March 2016

Audience Response

When asked why they think this, the comments read:
- The focus is shared between the title and the model
- It will look unique
- It's a different idea to other magazines
- It will stand out better and grab people's attention
- It will also allow the model to stand out
- The title will be eye-catching and would stand out more
- It will look more professional if it is slightly covered, not all magazines use this effective layout
- The idea is very different
- A unique idea
- This technique is very rarely used
- Will make the front cover look very professional
- A different idea and it will look really good
- It can share the attention with what is covering it e.g. a picture
- This idea for the title is very creative
- Will attract audience attention

When asked "What do you think should feature in the double page spread?" Here were some of the responses:
- An interview of the main artist, it should be all about them
- Interviews about the model
- Information about the image
- Should be an interview or a back story about the model
- All about the person on the double page spread
- How the main artist became famous
- The double page spread should be all about the artist and how the came to success
- Gossip about the main artist
- Should be interesting information about the artist
- An exclusive interview of the model
- The latest gossip
- Interesting gossip about the artist
- Facts and information about the main model
- Gossip and the latest news about the model
- Main artist facts, gossip and interviews

1 comment:

  1. You have presented all of the evidence of your questionnaire, however, you must analyse what this evidence suggests for your magazine.
    What will you take into account for your magazine? Has this questionnaire changed your mind about anything?
