For the contents page, I used a bright purple colour which allowed it to stand out quite a lot and attract the attention of my target audience.
I got the idea of a sidewards rotated heading from billboard magazine. Their target audience was similar to mine and so I thought I would carry out this idea in my own contents page. I chose the colour white as it was one of the colours that contrasted the most with the background colour.
On SurveyMonkey, I asked if my magazine name should be included on the contents page. The majority answered no so instead I used the initial of my magazine name which was "R" and I added it to the background for a nice effect. I used the blur tool and free transform on Photoshop to make it big and to give it a slight faded effect.
The picture that I decided to use of the model was at a long shot. Making the model the same height as the main heading looked quite nice and professional.
I added more pictures to the contents page which made it look more like a pop music magazine and would appeal to my target audience. I also changed the colour of the word contents as I thought it looked better in black. Based on the results on SurveyMonkey, I numbered the text to make it look more professional.
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